Take as much time as you need to choose a family lawyer. Having the right lawyer is an essential part of getting the best result for you and your loved ones. We recommend that you choose a family lawyer who:

 Listens carefully
 Takes the time to understand your situation and wishes
 Communicates with you in plain, easy to understand language
 Clearly explains the legal concepts and processes
 Has expertise in similar family law issues

It’s not easy to make this assessment in a short discussion, that’s why we offer a free first consultation where we take the time to listen to you and understand your matter entirely. You can then meet with one of our family lawyers in Sydney, face-to-face, ask the tough questions and get some useful advice. Then you can decide whether we’re right for you.

“All materials throughout this entire website has been prepared by Unified Lawyers for informational purposes only. All materials throughout this entire website are not legal advice and should not be interpreted as legal advice. We do not guarantee that any of the information on this website is current or correct.

You should seek specialist legal advice or other professional advice about your specific circumstances.
All information on this site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship between you and Unified lawyers.

Information on this site is not updated regularly and so may not be up to date.”