Independent advice means that you’ve seen a family lawyer and financial professional of your choosing, rather than seeing someone who’s connected with your former partner.

The BFA isn’t legally binding unless you can prove you received the advice before you signed the agreement.

We prefer to get involved during the negotiation phase and the drafting phase. Our significant BFA experience means we can spot potential issues, work out what you need for your financial security and make sure the agreement is fair for you and your kids.

“All materials throughout this entire website has been prepared by Unified Lawyers for informational purposes only. All materials throughout this entire website are not legal advice and should not be interpreted as legal advice. We do not guarantee that any of the information on this website is current or correct.

You should seek specialist legal advice or other professional advice about your specific circumstances.
All information on this site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship between you and Unified lawyers.

Information on this site is not updated regularly and so may not be up to date.”