Joshua Maloof
Family Lawyer

“You must be slow in deliberation and swift in execution.” 
By: – Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821)

The journey into law… 

Joshua sought employment in a specialist family law firm during his penultimate year of university and has worked exclusively in family law since that time. He was admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of NSW before joining Unified Lawyers.

Experience in family law 

A family law matter can comprise thousands of emails, file notes, documents, and other peripheral information. At the height of Joshua’s experience in family law is the need to maintain a logically organised file of a matter, so that information can be accessed and altered on the fly, either by the solicitor with carriage or by colleagues within the team.

Joshua has a deep understanding of the dynamic framework of Australian family law, having considered the function and jurisdiction of the family courts. He is attentive to the requirements of a valid marriage and de facto relationship, as well as the steps needed for their dissolution.

Joshua has engaged deeply with the pre-action procedures that are usually undertaken prior to filing many types of court applications. The pre-action procedures are often the first stage of a family law matter. Critically, one cannot overlook the strategic value of these steps, which involve the exchange of sensitive disclosure material. The pre-action procedures also offer the opportunity to resolve a matter via dispute resolution or mediation, without the stress and cost of protracted litigation.

Joshua has worked in heavily litigated financial matters and has acquired experience in complex corporate structures & trusts, with major issues including division 7A taxation liabilities and the analysis of large quantities of cryptocurrency and other Web3 assets on the blockchain. He is experienced in seeking the resolution of contentious issues through the appointment of experts to conduct forensic valuations.

When arguments are reduced to a contest of balance sheets, Joshua will eagerly pour over large volumes of financial information to uncover any transactions that were designed to defeat a family law claim, prematurely divulge matrimonial assets or otherwise misrepresent a parties’ financial position.

Joshua understands considerations about potential and actual third parties to a property settlement, including any creditors of the parties, related commercial entities, or trustees in bankruptcy. Joshua understands the strict compliance framework governing self-managed superannuation funds and the nature of orders that are binding on superannuation funds. He has experience approaching the delicate considerations involving family violence issues and how they may impact the division of assets between parties.

Joshua has experience with common strategic aspects of a property settlement, including interim litigation funding & partial property settlements, injunctions & undertakings, considerations of liabilities & addbacks, contributions to matrimonial assets, contributions as a homemaker, the future needs of the parties, and considerations of gifts & inheritances.

Joshua has also considered issues surrounding financial support, including child support and spousal maintenance. The court has powers to make orders for various types of spousal maintenance including lump sum, periodic, urgent & interim spousal maintenance. A party may also engage with Services Australia for the purposes of a child support assessment, and Joshua is knowledgeable about how these assessments can be changed in certain circumstances.

Joshua has also worked in highly contested parenting matters, acquiring experience of the statutory considerations of the child’s best interests. There is a legislative pathway that supports the decision-making process of a court to possibly make orders for equal shared parental responsibility, sole parental responsibility, equal time between parents, significant and substantial time with a parent, or otherwise.

The views of the child are often considered via reports made by court child experts, family consultants, single expert psychologists, forensic psychiatrists, or other professionals. Meetings with these professionals are of great importance, and Joshua is knowledgeable about the necessary preparations that must be undertaken. Contested parenting matters may involve the appointment of an Independent Children’s Lawyer, who may also meet with the children, and can play a pivotal role that must be understood in great detail.

Joshua has experience with parenting cases involving family violence. Family violence and abuse is multifaceted, and can manifest emotionally, physically, economically, socially, psychologically, sexually or spiritually. Family violence can take the form of a cycle that is difficult to escape. It can have catastrophic effects on victims, children and relatives. Thankfully, Joshua understands the protection against domestic violence that is offered under both State and Commonwealth legislation. Throughout parenting matters, Joshua pays close attention to involvement by any third parties, including medical treaters, schools, hospitals and the police, who may produce evidence that can assist a party, especially in cases involving allegations of family violence. Joshua has also assisted clients who have had protection orders made against them.

Joshua is also knowledgeable about the mechanics of parenting orders. An application to the court to allege the contravention of a parenting order must be handled with care. Final parenting orders may only be altered under certain circumstances and should therefore only be entered into with caution.

The passion for family law

Joshua finds meaning in considering the various forces in our world that apply negative pressures on the family unit. He was determined to practise in family law from an early stage in his career and presently maintains an exclusive practice in the area.

Our care for clients 

Joshua approaches family law with a continuous and detailed study of the ever changing legislation, case law and social science literature. He is a mindful listener with high levels of attention to detail and collegiality. His skillset facilitates a smooth access to the family law system.

Joshua also draws upon the skills developed in his English major, to articulate compelling stories about the plight of a family. He highly recommends the Australian books titled, Too Much Lip, by Melissa Lucashenko, The Man Who Loved Children, by Christina Stead and Romulus, My Father, by Raimond Gaita, for touching stories about dysfunctional families.

Strategic advocacy is a nuance that Joshua applies to the resolution of family law disputes. The following historical figures are select masters of strategy who Joshua is inspired by and regularly studies: Alexander the Great, Benjamin Franklin, Hernán Cortés, Margaret Thatcher, Napoleon Bonaparte and Queen Elizabeth I.

Why Unified 

Joshua met with the executive team at Unified Lawyers and was both impressed and refreshed by their modern approach to the provision of family law services.

Passion outside of the law 

Joshua is an avid reader and a lover of music.

Joshua is also passionate about the dynamic nature of technology and how it will change access to the law. Joshua spends time considering applications of cryptography, including the encryption of critical information in self-hosted storage solutions that require necessary levels of operational security. He is also curious about the intersection between cryptography and full-stack infrastructure, with a focus on open-source and blockchain technology, in the movement towards greater levels of decentralisation, autonomy and liberty.

Joshua Maloof
Family Lawyer

“You must be slow in deliberation and swift in execution.” 
By: – Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821)

Contact Information

 02 9071 0584


  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons) / Bachelor of Arts
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP)
  • Law Society of NSW Member
  • Admitted in the Supreme Court of NSW
  • Admitted in the High Court of Australia