Zac Kertesz 
Family Lawyer

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
By:  – Oscar Wilde

The journey into law…

Zac’s first legal job was as a paralegal for the Crown Solicitor’s Office in their Torts (Service/Regulatory) Law team. He then moved to a specialist family law firm in the Sydney CBD as a paralegal gaining valuable Family Law experience. Zac then worked as an associate in the Family Court before venturing into private practice.

Experience in family law 

Zac wrote his honours thesis in the area of Family Law. His thesis was an intra-comparative analysis of the Family Law Act examining the shortcomings of Australian Family Law in protecting victims of Family Violence.

Zac was given invaluable opportunities, including being able to co-author a paper that was published in the Law Institute Journal, and be a contributing author to an international paper published in the financial remedies journal on the impact of cryptocurrencies on Family Law.

Zac’s experience as a Shared Chambers Associate in the Family Court of Australia provided further invaluable experience. He worked with over 25 Family Law Judges and their associates. He assisted Division 1 Judges from Sydney and from other states of Australia. Similarly, he assisted a wide variety of Division 2 Judges in the Sydney Registry. This job has allowed Zac to gain an excellent understanding of how a matter is run, how vital documents are to be completed and filed, and how to work in Court.

Other areas of expertise

Zac also has experience in Tort Law from his time working with the Crown Solicitor’s Office. Zac also has experience drafting wills.

The passion for family law

Zac’s passion for Family Law originated from his wish to be a psychologist. Zac has always wanted to help people and when he decided he preferred the law over psychology, Zac was immediately drawn to Family Law. Zac loves being able to work closely with clients and prioritises viewing clients as people rather than legal problems to solve.

Our care for clients

Zac believes that his studies in psychology allow him to be a better family lawyer. He has an excellent understanding of the emotionally charged nature of divorce/separation and the best methods to address this. He believes that this knowledge, combined with his time working in the Family Court make him an excellent option for anyone seeking assistance with a Family Law matter.

Why Unified?

Zac decided to join the Unified Family because of the work environment. Unified provides amazing opportunities to grow as a lawyer and become the best version of yourself. It has an excellent culture and Zac was excited to join the Unified Family.

Passion outside of the law 

Zac loves almost all sports, he is most passionate about AFL, Cricket, Basketball, Golf and NRL. He loves the Sydney Swans in AFL, having been a member of the club since he was 3 years old.

Zac also loves brain teasers such as Sudoku, Ken Ken, Crosswords and Chess.

Other languages

To the disappointment of his grandparents, Zac does not speak any other languages. Zac’s father’s side of the family was born in the Czech Republic and his dad came to Australia at 6 years old. He is in the process of slowly learning Czech through Duolingo, so maybe one day soon he can put that down as a skill.

Zac Kertesz 
Family Lawyer

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
By:  – Oscar Wilde

Contact Information

 02 9189 1547


  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours).
  • Admitted to the Supreme Court of New South Wales
  • Admitted to the High Court of Australians
  • Member of the Law Society of New South Wales